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About Shortage Occupation List (SOL)

As Singapore moves to capture new economic opportunities, companies will require access to skilled talent to fill these jobs. The Government works closely with education and training institutes and tripartite partners to train our local graduates and reskill mid-career workers for these good jobs.

However, given our limited local workforce and worldwide competition for talent, the demand for skilled roles will also need to be met by complementary foreign manpower.

The Shortage Occupation List (SOL) recognises EP holders in occupations requiring highly specialised skills that are currently in shortage in the local workforce. As an indication, this could include niche infocomm-related roles supporting Singapore’s digitalisation drive.

The SOL is determined by a robust tripartite evaluation process that takes into account industry needs and local workforce development efforts.

Why Is SOL Important To You?

Shortage Occupation List is one of the bonus criteria in the new COMPASS Framework. If your occupation is on the list, you will gain an extra 20 points, reduced to 10 points if share of candidate's nationality among firm's PMETs is one-third or higher.

Candidates applying for specific tech occupations on the SOL may also be eligible for a longer 5-year duration EP.

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Shortage Occupation List (March 2023)

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